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My clothes in the hotshop

Writer's picture: enomotoglassenomotoglass

Updated: Feb 10, 2024

My day-to-day outfit doesn't include pants very often (I don't think I've worn jeans in years). I have dedicated hotshop clothing for when I blow glass, and they are typically loose fitting dresses made of natural fibers, such as cotton or linen.

Maria posing in a curtsy and showing off her green shoes and gray dress in the hot shop. Her friend is in the background, photo bombing the shot.
Gray cotton dress

I will wear tights or leggings in the colder months, but it's advised not to because of the risk of synthetic materials burning onto the skin. Most people don't realize how hot glassblowing is--you're standing in front of a 2000 degree Fahrenheit gloryhole or gathering molten glass out of an even hotter 2100 degree F furnace. Not to mention, the glass itself gives off an intense radiant heat which can cause heat rashes and heat blisters that appear before you can realize it's there. I will typically wear a kevlar sleeve to protect my arms and I will wear a handkerchief to protect my neck if I'm blowing big glass.

Years back, I watched a documentary called "The True Cost", which is about the fast fashion industry and I became conscientious about my clothing purchases. I've since grossly cut my clothing consumption, and now opt to buy second hand, or from ethical brands and independent clothing makers if I can help it (love supporting my fellow artists). Luckily, the Bay Area is rich with talented makers, so fairs such as Renegade Craft Fair and West Coast Craft are great sources for finding handmade and vintage clothing. I like thrifting online with ThredUp, which has great filters allowing me to search and save dresses based on material, silhouette, and pattern. I also shop with Pact or Cosabella for underwear and buy from Voler or Ornot for cycling gear! I've gotten my husband into buying almost exclusively from those bike brands, too, which feels like a big win! However I choose to shop (or not shop), doing so with intention has been a good practice for me, and helps to fill me with gratitude for objects I have.

PS. I'm not a part of any sponsorship - just sharing my personal experience :)

Maria is posing with her mint green, steel frame bike and a black bike overlooking mount Diablo in California. Maria's kit is black and blue, and her helmet is gray with a blue brim.
Mt. Diablo, California

This is me after climbing Mount Diablo!

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